Monorail Visual Documentation System (MVDS)

The MVDS is an idea I came up with when thinking about ways one documents their work. Often times in architecture, the documentation process is static, only consisting of photos. This does not allow one to experience what a space may feel like. With the MVDS, a person could potentially get down to eye level … [Read more…]

Dutch Tulip – Cal Schilling

In the 1950s a dike in the Netherlands collapsed because of too much water In 2003 a dike dried out and collapsed because it weakened I looked into what a unit could look like that would function in the Netherlands I believe if it looks like a tulip it will blend in with the environment … [Read more…]

Realtime Augmented

REALTIME AUGMENTED – Arenas are buzzing places when a game is on but the fall out spaces which are underneath the seating tiers seem to be dead. If such places are given public space approach by revitalizing the area would bring life to these spaces. Revitalizing by adding market spaces, restaurant & lounges or interactivity … [Read more…]

Hot Seat

Hot Seat is a project that elicits an atmospheric control of a gathering space, not within a building.  A Yale professor, Michelle Addington has worked in this area with high success, and unique results.  As a patron of a sporting event, one expects to see their team compete, however the accommodation factors of contemporary arenas are … [Read more…]

Funnel of Feelings

When certain forces are employed to fabric, it stretches it our to a certain point. Utilizing the soft potentiometer, whenever forces are applied to the funnels, it will react and express it on the LED light strips. The movement on the soft potentiometer reflects the movement of the funnel being pulled down. In order for … [Read more…]

Inside Out

Project Description:  Watching a live game from stadium stands is always a distinct experience. Stadium atmosphere could be experienced only if a person is physically present in the space. Stadium crowd which is a fundamental part of stadium atmospheres brings the game to its liveliness. It gives the required energy to players as well. The … [Read more…]

Stress Lights

Fabric structures employ stress and compression forces when used to create spaces. Within in my studio project, it’s a collection of many funnel like forms; it consists of a few large funnels and a handful of small funnels that come off of the large funnels. To exhibit and exaggerate the forces that are present within the … [Read more…]

Doorway Traffic

Considering the busy schedule of most students life, especially of a graduate architecture student, the foot traffic of the studio space would be relatively busy. Utilizing the Arduino code and wiring, the sensors are able to pick up whenever the circuit is broken. Therefor, when the sensors are placed on the frame of the door … [Read more…]

Light Waster

Project Summary As architecture students, we are in studio an excessive amount of time and because of that we typically have the lights on for extended periods of time. For our project we decided to set up a code that would calculate the cost of lighting the room when we are doing work. Even during … [Read more…]