Desk Guard

The purpose of the Desk Guard is to protect your personal belongings from nosey friends and people intruding into your personal space. This is done by bringing attention to these nosey friends and people intruders that pass by when you get away from your desk. It starts by powering on the Arduino before you step … [Read more…]


Description – Computer code in addition to the hardware will help generate, modulate and activate a system in which concentration of CO in the atmosphere can be determined. The indication of level of CO in the atmosphere can guide the users with the amount of polluted atmosphere around them and will also at the same … [Read more…]

Creepy Pumpkin

Jack-o-Lantern   Concept Team 3 wanted to have some fun by making a Halloween inspired Arduino project! A simple plastic pumpkin from Party City was the only prop that we needed, along with the components required to execute the programmed code. As the door to the studio is opened, a switch is triggered, indicating that … [Read more…]


As software is woven into the spatial fabric of everyday life, new challenges and opportunities emerge for the design of the built environment. Over the past few decades, computer code has played an increasing role in the production and disposition of space. Code now generates, configures, modulates, conditions, governs, regulates, and activates a wide variety … [Read more…]