Research in Art and Design

  1. According to the article, there are two different approaches about research in art. First, the Picasso’s opinion about research in art is that “to search means nothing in painting. To find is the thing.” said Picasso. He opposed the research in art. While, John Constable has other opinion against Picasso statement. He believed that “painting is science, and should be pursued as an inquiry into the laws of nature.” he said. The question is, which opinion is closer to the truth? Maybe these are two interpretations of the truth from two different aspects.


2. By research a boffin can either prove or falsify a hypothesis. Now the question is, is this applicable in art? The nature of art is accompanied by individual intuitions, insights and  thoughts that ultimately lead to be innovative and effective results. Falsifying a hypothesis in design might be a rare thing to happen and outcome is usually an improvement to the previous conditions.

3. Does the necessity of research in art and design have to be this black and white? It seems that as long as people see it black and white, each side will have its advocates. However, maybe for each topic in art, based on its requirements, different methods can be used to get the desired results.

Experimental Cultures: On the “End” of the Design Thesis and the Rise of the Research Studio

  1. Can Research Studio by itself and without Thesis extend the boundaries of Art and in our case Architecture?
  2. What are the boundaries or frameworks that qualify and define Design Thesis? Furthermore, what is the difference between different research studios that a student has to take each semester? Isn’t the last two semesters a time for students to experience another method of learning?
  3. According to the article, author tries to prove that Thesis is a personal work without a specified framework and research studio is less personal and also formulated. Is the thesis option really that personal and without any framework? Every student that chooses thesis is assigned with a Chair and one more committee member. Their job is to make sure that the student is always on the right track and the desired outputs are achieved.