This is Research by Design, Johan Verbeke

  1. The core of the field of architecture (or designing, artistic, and related activities) has become the basis or vehicle for research or knowledge. What has Verbeke offered as an understanding of knowledge?
  2. Knowledge modes 1 and 2 stress the importance of multidisciplinary research in the field of architecture. Why is this important? To Verbeke, why is theory also important?
  3. Verbeke says, “research by design is high-level research in which these core competences of the field in designing and making are the main pathways to establish new understanding and knowledge.” Why is research by design so important to Verbeke?

Designerly Ways of Knowing, Nigel Cross

  1. Cross is concerned with the processes by which students are educated, stressing the manner in which they are educated are as important as the matter which is transmitted – why is this?
  2. To Cross, designers impose primary generators in design problems that defines the limits of the problem and suggests the nature of its possible solution. How can research by design fit into this method?
  3. How can both design research and design education develop a common approach to design as a discipline?