The unpredictable crisis can happen suddenly and rapidly. Millions of people are affected who forced to move out and who hosts the waves of refugees. The people of concerns seek to resettle in order to have their basic needs as food, house and clothes. The research will be one how the host countries can respond to the rapid influx of refugees through resilient design strategies, inclusive urban design and social changes management.

The study will be located in city of Irbid, Jordan where social changes are in the urban fabric and currently it hosts 135.001 Syrian refugees who live within the urban context. The Research formed as investigation of what and how it was, the current and how it will go through on what will be designed and managed. In Jordan there are cases of previous physical features which it will be the start of historical research, mapping, and photography beside some informal interviews the areas in order to find the gaps of the previous settlements and reorient the cities towards a vision of responses to the rapid changes within its context by the refugees.