Designerly ways of Knowing:

  1. Using the term Artificial World as the phenomenon of study in design does not sound convenient to me. Design in my point of view is trying to construct the next realities.


  1. While design should not be confused with art, with science or mathematics, it seems comprehensible to talk about using science in design. But what artistic design could be? What happens when art and design tend to combine?


  1. What are different modes of cognition and how are they distinguishable? How do concrete/iconic modes relate to design and formal/symbolic are relevant in science?


This is Research by design:

  1. What is reflective thinking?
  1. In the article, it is suggested to avoid imposing checklist of qualitative aspects. What is an example of imposing such a list?
  1. Artistic research and research by design are currently developing widely. It has been also mentioned that “there is no such thing as research that is not designed” and “it is ridiculous to try to make design subject to the rules of research.” Does considering these three statements together, suggest that Research by Design will constantly stay in a state of exponential growth?