‘A Two Fold Movement’: Design Research as Dialectical Critical Practice -Murray Fraser

  1. “Nothing can be prefigured. All has to be questioned.” At what point can researchers stop uncovering new investigations?
  2. Would Wood’s process of research be considered social research/design?
  3. “It was sort of functionalism in reverse. But what he was attempting most of all was to switch who held the power over what kinds of spaces were built in cities, who could use them, and for what this was to be removed from official governments and design professionals.” To some extent, would society be considered as the designers?

A Way With Words: Feminists Writing Architectural Design Research – Jane Rendell

  1. Rendell mentions in the text “the importance of exchange across art and architecture, the participation of users in the design process…” Is this movement essentially stating to the world “we care about people now”?
  2. “Although muf architecture/art have never referred to themselves as feminists…” Then why use this practice as an example?
  3. “One particularly important aspect of feminists critical spatial practice has been its desire to relate theory to architectural design, to make connections between built practice and written text.” Isn’t this done everywhere?