A two-Fold Movement: Design research as dialectical critical practice

  1. Is critical practice a direct consequence of limits of architecture to instrumentally deliver a specific social or political transformation?
  1. Retroactive manifesto places people and their messy urban lives at the heart of architectural discourse, but who is the audience of “Spaces of Possibility in Palestine”? It seems that this work’s subject has the potential to discuss the issue with public, however, its medium avoids the project to go beyond architectural discourse.
  1. Is subjectivity of work of Koolhaas similar/close to superiority of a fully three dimensional town-design in Eliel Saarinen’s book?


A way with words: Feminists writings architectural design research

  1. Making problematic artefacts versus application driven design, can help to understand the problems of architectural design, and to understand what architecture can do for problems outside its realm at the time. The second one investigates what architecture might be, but where are the limits of this extension?
  1. Site-writing is an evident of structural similarities between architecture as a medium and textual media. How today’s forms of design research can use literature to find new structures for architecture beyond the poetic use of literature?
  1. The discipline of performance studies has been well connected to feminists writings in architecture because of the conceptual depth to the thinking through performativity. What is specific about feminist notions which pushes its writing more than other fields of architecture in using performativity?