Architects/designers are told that they have a very important role within society. They are held responsible for doing and providing improvements/enhancements to the lives of the people. Doing good and enhancing lives involves understanding how humans operate and why they do the things that they do. Occupying a stimulating environment can help enrich the experiences of the space, ideally enhancing the lives/well being of the occupants as well. Many built works are very understimulating therefore may result in restlessness or feeling drained. When focused on the visual it ultimately ignores the inbuilt human need for sensory variety. (This may be due to the lack of “designer friendly” data) At some level, nature engages with majority of our senses, and produces a minor sense of arousal/pleasure.  This study is an initial attempt to research the relationship of a biophilic environment and the engagement of the occupants. Visual data will be produced in hopes to encourage designers to design more for wellness.


Utilizing wonderment, and awe to break up everyday rhythm to pursue wellness. (Not entirely sure how to word this quiet yet, working on it.)