“Even More Than Architecture”

Richard Coyne

1-Compare Las Vegas in the functionality of architecture and the term of past sells cities as well as the significant natural features of Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls  …, etc. How can architecture bring business in the two cases?

2-In Jacques Derrida investigation in the core of architecture by relying on the principles of modern architecture and the limitations of the four concepts of architecture, Is it explaining all the current architectural precedents?

3-Compare the process of publicity of architects and their work with the idea of flourish of the research to make it valuable?

The following example of a well-known architect Ammar Khammash. Is it research design or artistic product or both?



An “Artificial Science” of Architecture

Philip Steadman

1-Is the technology or science is essential for architecture, for example, the golden ratio for Renaissance or it is an add to the architectural design to enhance the operational system of it and can be reached without it?

2-Compare research process of Hoods idea and the March and Martin as well as “Spacemate” refers to 3 categories of design research, into, through and for?

3-Is the March and Martin an urban design regulation can have a space for creativity?