“Even More Than Architecture”

Richard Coyne

1-Compare Las Vegas in the functionality of architecture and the term of past sells cities as well as the significant natural features of Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls  …, etc. How can architecture bring business in the two cases?

2-In Jacques Derrida investigation in the core of architecture by relying on the principles of modern architecture and the limitations of the four concepts of architecture, Is it explaining all the current architectural precedents?

3-Compare the process of publicity of architects and their work with the idea of flourish of the research to make it valuable?

The following example of a well-known architect Ammar Khammash. Is it research design or artistic product or both?



An “Artificial Science” of Architecture

Philip Steadman

1-Is the technology or science is essential for architecture, for example, the golden ratio for Renaissance or it is an add to the architectural design to enhance the operational system of it and can be reached without it?

2-Compare research process of Hoods idea and the March and Martin as well as “Spacemate” refers to 3 categories of design research, into, through and for?

3-Is the March and Martin an urban design regulation can have a space for creativity?

The unpredictable crisis can happen suddenly and rapidly.  Millions of people are affected who forced to move out and who hosts the waves of displaced people. Refers to UNHCR, 65.3 million are affected, in a daily base 33.972 people obliged to escape their homes because of conflict or persecution and seek to resettle to have their basic needs such as food, house, and clothes. 21.3 million are registered as refugees, 16.1 million refugees under UNHCR Commission and UNRWA registered 5.2 million Palestinian refugees, over the half of them are under the age of 18.

The Jordanian social fabrics rapidly changed and still do due to the surrounding conflicts as a consequence, and it significantly reforms the cities and creates new genuine metropolitan.  Jordan hosts 2 million Palestinians, 130,911 Iraqis and 1,265,000 Syrians census result in Nov 2015, 657,422 registered as refugees as well as other nationalities. The population of Jordan is 9.5 million, over 35% are non-Jordanian. Historically; waves of Circassian, Chechen, Turkmen and Armenian resettled in Jordan and became Jordanian minorities.

The diversity shapes the Jordanians’ social networks where it can be found Palestinian grandmother, having a substantial Iraqi`s friend, and teaching Syrian students. The research will aim to define a space of possibilities, a place of survival and hope which has intellectual power of forming refugees’ settlements and design applicable assumptions of how the host countries can respond to the rapid influx of refugees through resilient strategies, inclusive urban design and social changes management.

The study will be located in the hosted cities of Jordan where social changes are in the urban fabric. The Research formed as an investigation of what and how it was, the current and how it will go through on what will be designed and managed. In Jordan, there are cases of previous precedents of settlements which it will be the start of historical research, mapping, and photography beside some informal interviews the areas to find the potentials and the gaps and reorient the cities towards a vision of responses to the rapid changes within its context by the refugees.


Questions to ask:

Who is “Us” and who is “Other”?

What fixes boundaries of us and others? What constructs it?

Who has the power?

Who is the audience?

Reading 1

Murray Fraser, “A Two-Fold Movement.”

1 “…. The world of the lake and the river, a typology without history”. Aldo Rossi indicated that he discovered his architecture by investigating the city with all its designed characteristics. In the project of the cabins of fishermen, isn`t this a study of past events occur in the geography and the topography of the design location which is part of the design research?

2- The work of the Shigeru Ban in the temporary cardboard cathedral considered as design research with “R” or “r” where he designed a solution of material and structure by searching and experiments in comparison with “Radical Reconstruction”?

3- What were the design influences of the Koolhaas work of the Netherland Dance Centre, Can we consider the reflections of his publication of the Delirious New York?


Reading 2

Jane Rendell, “A Way With Words.”

1- Is the concept and the strategy of the critical spatial practice applied in the education system “design research studio” the same as the practice especially the self-reflection?

2-Is the role of the audience included in the system of multidisciplinary of the research design of the social aspect? What is the educational system of the urban planning in comparison with art and architecture, can we considered as one of the disciplinaries or not?

3- Compare the activity of writing and the description of the spatial qualities of the art and architecture with the Picasso`s expressive concept of the artwork?



The unpredictable crisis can happen suddenly and rapidly. Millions of people are affected who forced to move out and who hosts the waves of refugees. The people of concerns seek to resettle in order to have their basic needs as food, house and clothes. The research will be one how the host countries can respond to the rapid influx of refugees through resilient design strategies, inclusive urban design and social changes management.

The study will be located in city of Irbid, Jordan where social changes are in the urban fabric and currently it hosts 135.001 Syrian refugees who live within the urban context. The Research formed as investigation of what and how it was, the current and how it will go through on what will be designed and managed. In Jordan there are cases of previous physical features which it will be the start of historical research, mapping, and photography beside some informal interviews the areas in order to find the gaps of the previous settlements and reorient the cities towards a vision of responses to the rapid changes within its context by the refugees.



Reading 1

Nigel Cross, “Designerly Ways of Knowing”


  • As mentioned in the article, the three criteria of education “Value, self-awareness, cognitive perception” to gain knowledge, and well trained person doesn`t mean he/she is educated. Isn`t the knowledge is reached by the students` experience which is part of the reality?  Knowledge is facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject
  • In term of design products and the design process. Is there direct or indirect effect to the reality, and its existing?
  • In Piaget`s and Burner`s models of the cognitive and intellectual development, Piaget`s stages are concrete which is mature understanding of the reason and effect, Formal is the abstracted logical thinking. Burner`s has the Iconic which is the mental images as the sectional drawing of Johan Van Den Berghe, Symbolic is the formation of knowledge. As shown is the intersection of all stages is it possible to have the 4 stages combined together to be relevant to design or science?





Reading 2

Johan Verbeke, “This Is Research By Design”


  • Does the concept of Zeewu and Glanville “knowledge for change” can be reached by “knowledge of what is”, since architecture is multi- discipline where it’s constructive process?
  • What does determine the quality and the level of the design/ the research in the three possible situations?
  • In the third situation, how does indicate the Research by design?


Reading 1

Frayling, “Research in Art and design


1-Picasso said “The spirit of research has poisoned those who have not fully understood all the positive conclusive elements in modern art ….. “ How it will explain that some became famous artists who died before they have the publicity and there is no direct explanation of their work, this refers to someone`s else research which leaded to the finding of ideas where is the art in eye of the viewer?

2-Design is endless process and there is no correct answer for any design question. The article described the term of younger designer or intuitive searcher. What are the differences of the young designer and the expert in terms of research and process of design?

3- In the construction systems, the post and beam is part of development work (Research through design). Is it related to the research into design where is the historical evidence of the primitive system of Stonehenge? Another example is that the postmodernism is a style of the arts and architecture, it new ways of viewing familiar styles.


Reading 2

Solomon, “Experimental Cultures: On the ‘End’ of the Design Thesis and the Rise of the Research Studio


1-Does the thesis define as expressive process in systematic way and it has more direct individual involvement, it is focusing on the investigation and researching to end with the design, in another hand the research studio is leaded cognitive process with less involvement and focusing on the products?

2-Discussing the learning process of a comprehensive studio to have a nature of exercise on proving ones competency and talents or to set up argument and stating the ideas, or both?

3- How can the idea of Rural studios/UCLA which it is not tied with location, context or socioeconomic group be compatible with a design as collective production of disciplinary knowledge?