W1 1-Sep Introduction
W2 8-Sep Design, Research and the Thesis
POST 1 due Chistopher Frayling, “Research in Art and Design”, Royal College of Art Research Papers v.1, n.1, 1993.
David Salomon, “Experimental Cultures: On the ‘End’ of the Design Thesis and the Rise of the Research Studio”, Journal of Architectural Education 65(1) (October 2011): 33–44.
W3 15-Sep Design Research and Knowledge Formation 
POST 2 due Nigel Cross, “Chapter 1: Designerly Ways of Knowing”, Designerly Ways of Knowing, Birkhauser Verlag AG, 2007.
Johan Verbeke, “This is Research by Design”, in Fraser, M. (ed.), Design Research in Architecture- An Overview, Ashgate 2013.
W4 22-Sep Design Research and Critical Practice 
POST 3 due Murray Fraser- “A ‘Two-Fold Movement’: Design Research as Dialectical Critical Practice,” in Fraser, M. (ed.), Design Research in Architecture- An Overview, Ashgate 2013.
Jane Rendell- “A Way with Words: Feminist Writings Architectural Design Research” in Fraser, M. (ed.), Design Research in Architecture- An Overview, Ashgate 2013.
W5 29-Sep Design Research and Expanded Practice
POST 4 due Philip Steadman, “An ‘Artificial Science’ of Architecture”, in Fraser, M. (ed.), Design Research in Architecture- An Overview, Ashgate 2013.
Richard Coyne, “Even more than Architecture”, in Fraser, M. (ed.), Design Research in Architecture- An Overview, Ashgate 2013.
W6 6-Oct Thesis Abstracts
Abstract due- First Pass A discussion of the thesis issue/problem and its significance
W7 13-Oct Discussions
W8 20-Oct Literature Review
Abstract due- Revised A review of the salient literature and design precedents
Literature Review- First Pass “Chapter 5: What’s your Questions? Literature Review and Research Design” in Groat, L. and D. Wang, Architectural Research Methods, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2013
W9 27-Oct Discussions
W10 3-Nov Methods and Procedures 
Literature Review- Revised a discussion of the methods/procedures of inquiry and analysis employed
Methods/Procedures due- First Pass
W11 10-Nov Discussions
W12 17-Nov Discussions
Methods/Procedures due- Revised
W13 24-Nov Fall Break- No Class
W14 1-Dec Presentations
W15 8-Dec Directed Research Final Reviews
W16 15-Dec Final Due: Thesis Parts i, ii, iii