- Modern. I couldn;t picture the Muybridge’s experiment involving a hangar with black walls and ceiling and having seal gulls fly over a black floor. I wasn’t sure really what that was supposed to represent? A realm of vastness and the capture of 3-dimensional movability? If this could be further explained that would be ideal. (Modern-Tech pg. 22)
2. Mechanization. Was very unsure that certain phrases/ words such as essence, revealing, truth, correctness, occasioning, presence, appearance, forth, enframing had a personification tone to them. Not that they had human like features but seemed to represent feeling and emotions. These were the main repeated texts throughout the passage, what were there meanings? and what did that try to represent? (throughout passage)
3. Mechanization. What is the meaning of “Technology is means to no end”? and what is the difference between modern technology versus ” “original technology” . seems like modern technology has no precedent. Don’t truly understand yet.
4. Mechanization. Examples were helpful but still unclear. Could the Silver and silver chalice example be further explained and how the’a\re many parts on making a “Technology” but how do they are related to each other and are within each other.