• Age of Mechanical Reproduction pg9- “Thus, the distinction between author and public is about to lose its basic character. The difference becomes merely functional; it may vary from case to case. At any moment the reader is ready to turn into a writer” the quote gives the example of letters to the editors, but this is even more so today with social media. what will be the future authorship and authenticity of product / news when everyone has their comment though social media, muddying the overall clarity?
  • Age of Mechanical Reproduction pg7 – “This situation might also be characterized as follows: for the first time—and this is the effect of the film—man has to operate with his whole living person, yet forgoing its aura. For aura is tied to his presence; there can be no replica of it. The aura which, on the stage, emanates from Macbeth, cannot be separated for the spectators from that of the actor. However, the singularity of the shot in the studio is that the camera is substituted for the public. Consequently, the aura that envelops the actor vanishes, and with it the aura of the figure he portrays.” The author is saying that Aura is lost from the actor when subjected to the camera, but why? Can aura not be translated through film, and if that is the case what is the value of the Aura in the first place?”
  • the  Medium is the Message pg398- “We are no more prepared to encounter radio and TV in our literate milieu than the native of Ghana is able to cope with the literacy that takes him out of his collective tribal world and beaches him in individual isolation. We are as numb in our electric world as the native involved in our literate and mechanical culture.” is the author saying that every culture is equally unprepared for the technology of the future regardless of what level of society they currently retain? (and therefore everyone is experiencing “detribalization” but just on different points of the technology timeline?)