Cedric Price, “The material used in the construction of enclosure require a far shorter life-span than the ten years allotted to the protected steel of the overall framework.” Why is the material requirement different? Since the enclosure included kitchen, restaurants, workshops, lavatories as first category and auditoria, cinema and meeting halls as second category, could enclosure’s economic and social quality cause its material choice and test-bed condition?
Stafford Beer, page 24. He mentioned there were two ways to approach Ashby’s Law. One of them is reducing the system variety, another way is maximizing the system variety, such as department store. They both start at the variety form system. How about online shopping, it is the third way or it is the transformed department store?
Gordon Pask. Based on the time he wrote this paper, the image of cybernetics architecture is kind different than today. All existed and new technology provide a new understanding of cybernetics architecture. Will there be end of cybernetic architecture? Maybe not the end but a stop. It could be the change of building material, change of our perception of architecture or change of cybernetic tool etc.