1.       Gordon Pask briefly mentions the formation of Architectural sub-theories as a result of a lack of a general theory for the new rapidly evolving architectural practices of the late 18th centuries and on. Is Pask trying to formulate a “general theory” of architecture based on cybernetics? Can such a theory exist?

2. Stafford Beer introduces us to Ashby’s Law, which states that the same amount of variety is needed to absorb the variety in a system so as to create a state of balance or equilibrium. My understanding of the variety he speaks of is similar to the idea of entropy which we discussed last week from Warren Weaver’s article, in the sense that they both measure a degree of randomness in a system. Weaver suggests that the more entropy in a system then the greater the freedom of choice, while Beer describes freedom of choice as a result of  the unpredictability of the future but suggests that having a “model” could regulate the variety or randomness, which is what I think he suggests as cybernetic systems. Is one application of randomness better than the other? Could randomness ever really be eliminated, or at least predicted by means of a “model” which Beer alludes to?
3. What does cybernetics mean for the ordinary citizen? Beer mentions that in his work with Cybersyn in the Chilean government they dedicated some time into teaching the workers how to use the tools designed for economic management so that they were familiar with the systems that they were essentially going to be in control of. Salvador Allende wanted to nationalize or centralize the country’s largest industries; doesn’t this go against the idea of democratization if everything is essentially controlled by the government? Would a centralized cybernetic system in charge of the economy really be a good idea especially if left in the hands of only a select few of people? Or was Allende’s intention to create as much user participation as possible at the lower ranks of the system the solution to such a problem? How effective would this be in today’s world and what would it mean for our society, or is something similar already happening?