1.Paul Dourish, Where The Action
“In contrast, the new perspective on which tangible and social computing rest argues that a disembodied brain could not experience the world in the same ways that we do…..,
Physically, our experiences cannot be separated from the reality of our bodily presence in the world; and socially, too.”(p.18)
Now we see that baby X can talks or other movie talks about clone human. Is any possibility that one day they may have their own will? and How does interaction system influence society?
2.Khan, Omar, “Interaction Anxieties”
“One caution that I have with this approach is that it runs the risks of reifying the everyday. With its focus on developing interactive technologies that support situated actions, it inadvertently fixes located practice and undermines any….disrupt them..”(p.3)
Is any negative or positive influence by human interacted with computers?
3.Dubberly, Pangaro and Haque, “What is Interaction?”
“Search services work much the same way. Google retrieves the answer to a search query…..It may record your actions.”(p.9)
In this era, we all use search services. We input something, then we can know a lot of answers, how can we filter the information and protect our privacy when we use the search service on the internet?