Paul Dourish page 16. He mentioned the two computing/ interaction: tangible and social. What is social computing? Can social interaction be programed? “At the same time, anthropological and sociological approaches have been applied to uncovering the mechanisms through which people organized their activity, and the role that social and organizational settings play in this process”. Does “Activities around computer system” define the social computing?
What is interaction? Page 4. “The person is inside the computer-human interaction loop, … the nature of the system: the computer is not characterized in our model of computer-human interaction.” How to understand this two situation? They are kind against each other.
Interaction Anxieties, Omar Khan. When the future/ sentient cities/ sentient buildings are about interaction, what is the role of architect? At past, interaction of architecture can be understood as the experience of inhabiting the space. What is the interaction for architecture today? Does the computing help us to understand/design or is it the bonus, not fundamental?