History of Interaction:
Page (13): Visual metaphors. Developing of visual metaphors for information management.
As phases in interaction had a transition from electronic to symbolic, to textual and graphical followed by tangible and embodied interaction, there has been trends within each phase of development based how we have evolved in our understanding of the digital world.
Talking about Graphical Approach in computing and interface design, it is interesting to look at how the trend of Skewmorphism, was replaced by the trend of flat design as our familiarity with the world of computing and the need for visual metaphors decreased.
James Gibson, the environmental psychologist, once suggested that we perceive the world as a set of “affordances”. An affordance is an object that’s shape suggests its use. The most commonly cited affordances would include door handles and push buttons. Skeuomorphism also represents “perceived affordances”. It fits with our natural interpretation of objects but in a digital world. https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/article/skeuomorphism-is-dead-long-live-skeuomorphism
What is Interaction?
Page(9): 0-2 Learning.
Today much of computer-human interaction is characterized by a learning system interaction with simple learning process. You signal the computer, it responds and you react…
Google receives the answer to the search query, but it treats your thousandth query just as it treated your first. It may record your actions but it has not learned – it has no goals to modify
Q) Is a search engine, an example of interaction in a learning model with humans as a learning system or is it an example of reaction. Are reaction and interaction mutually exclusive or they can be accommodated together?
Interaction Anxieties
Shifting Agencies,
One can imagine a self-regulating city where buildings monitor their own energy resources, negotiate their needs with a smart grid and communicate with other buildings to better collectively manage their shared resources. Human participation in the exchange world would be minimal since the interacting systems would be well programmed in bartering with one another.
Q) How will this shift of agency, affect the idea of expression and perception in architecture? With systems were efficiency will play the central role to design, with minimal human participation, will there be a change in the concept of architecture and technology shaped around human needs and emotions, to humans adapting their needs and emotions around an efficient system?