Simulacra and Simulations:

(Page 373)

“The established order can do nothing against it, for the law is a second-order simulacrum whereas simulation is a third-order simulacrum.”

What does Baudrillard mean by second- order and third- order simulacrum?

(Page 370)

“As much as electrical and nuclear power stations, as much as film studios, this town which is nothing more than an immense script and a perceptual motion picture, needs this old imaginary made up of childhood signals and faked phantasms for its sympathetic nervous system”

The ‘imaginary stations’ as Baudrillard calls them, are they second order or third order simulacrum? What is the significance of these imaginary stations like Disneyland in the urban fabric, that makes him say the above statement.

Architecture, Science, Technology and the Virtual Realm:

Are, order and proportion used as variables in the parametric architecture that shapes its dynamic behavior? Does this mean that computation is just a framework that uses the same basic principles of architecture like order, proportion, structure and similar, but opens up possibility of dynamic forms and mechanisms, augmenting the static aspect of architecture?