1. A new virtual reality. In the passage, it talks about how we, as humans have come accustomed to the paradoxical world of virtual reality and my question, is why? The passage mentions how virtual reality was started due to the world wars and conflicts which is interesting at that fact but due to humans also being perceptive and used to war as well (due to the inevitability of war) are humans then programmed to also fall in the world of virtual reality as well. In my opinion, being a millennial, we have been exposed to these technologies at an adolescent age that essentially with time and practices it becomes 2nd nature to us. I think that was the intentions for our generation and it has so blatantly shown that we can fully grasp VR and somewhat just ordinate it in our ordinary lives. Will humans un-see VR? will we acknowledge its new accomplishments only fixate on its failures. How can we come so accustomed to something that is still a novice in its lifetime?
  2. Hyperreal and Imaginary. “Disneyland is presented as imaginary in order to make us believe that the rest is real….when in fact all of the America surroundings is no longer real, but of the order of the hyperreal and of simulation.” Does this statement question our system as a whole? Disneyland being real or not isn’t the main concern, The main concert and or question is if “America” is not real as well then what is? more explanation would be helpful.