Moneo on typology. “The most intense moments in architectural development are those when a new type appears”…..”He/She gives up a known type and clearly sets out to formulate a new one”. Is typology precedential? Or does it relate to movements such as “Post-modernism” where no precedent is needed? can the abstract facilitate from one’s own understanding? if so is that what true typology is or is there more to it? Does this new typology fit all the criteria within the realm/discipline of architecture? Or does a new revolution of disciplines need to occur to birth a new typology?

Landscapes of Change. Catastrophe theory. The meaning of the catastrophe theory seems straightforward, but the example being used in the passage seems to be unclear. what would be a life-like example of an event space and control space? are these spaces their own entities but when forced together through time they work as a cohesive system which essentially makes a topological space?