Feedback is essential to form a communication. According to Douglas Englebart in Dubberly’s “What is interaction? Are there different types?,” there are three levels of feedback. The first level is the linear system which is a basic processes of input and output. The second level is the self-regulating system which improves the basic process. The third level, learning system, identifies and shares process for the improvement. The example of venus flytrap plant is a linear system. It is a biological example where an input causes an unconscious output. Every time an insect triggers the plant, it sends a small electrical signal to the leaf and the trap shuts. The input in this system is the movement of the prey, or insects. The output is when the predator, or venus flytrap, senses the prey and closes the trap.



Dubberly, Pangaro and Haque, “What is Interaction? Are there diferent types?” Interactions, v.XVI.1, 2009.