The idea of sentient city is discussing a city which has ability to hear and feel things happening within it. Article also mention the term “Pathetic Fallacy” to re-emphasis the concept of understanding. “…the pathetic fallacy allows one to glimpse the passions within the consciousness of another human being. (George P. Landow)” I can see this sentient city has similar context as smart city. At the beginning of article, “… the flotsam and jetsam of every day urban life were to become the new materials of architecture.”
1. Since the Living city exhibition was happened at 1950s-1060s, I understand the flotsam and jetsam was the negative impact of industrialization and mobilization. Under the concept of sentient city, what are the flotsam and jetsam?
2. What happen to sentient city, especially the idea of feeling? As the development of smart city, it can function pretty well of hearing, but the idea of feeling seems not there yet. What will a city be if it can feel its people?

Under “urban resource partnership” he mention the urban computing as collecting data to make a more effective(common) model. “… more fundamental aspects of urban computing as psychogeography deserves emphasis here. After all, media do not simply annotate a preexisting city but also help create new understandings, uses and tacit geographies of the city.” What does psychogeography mean? The function of media could be  programing the user’s movement. Can we see media as a “unprecedented material benefits”?