The rise of Network Culture
- When Jameson talks about late capitalism and late capitalism is an extension of post-modernism, what does he mean by the phrase”Would produce postmodernism, a cultural logic dominated by the schizophrenic play of the depthless, empty sign” and “The subject became schizophrenic, lost in the hyperspace of late capital. Why is he using the word “schizophrenic” to emphasize the outcomes of late capitalism? (page 3)
- In the network theory, why do “we situate ourselves less as individuals and more as the interstices of multiple networks composed of both humans and things”? It is true that with the current generation we focus heavily on affirming our identities rather than focusing on other issues, but can we be blamed for wanting to focus on these things that are somewhat important to us? (even if its superficial in a sense) didn’t the generation set our generation to explore these realms they fought so hard to invent?
- Network capital talks about outsourcing as an example for revolutionized communication and the main question is does this “Leapfrogging hinder our communication markets? is leapfrogging no the idealized way for growth? or due to the rapidity of network cultures, this is inevitable to happen and should it be seen as normal? (Page 11)