The Rise of Network Culture – Kazys Varnelis

1. “If a traditional twentieth century model of cultural communication described movement of information in one direction from a source to a receiver, now the reception point is just a temporary station on information’s path.” Varnelis described that dragging images from the Internet into Powerpoint is an everyday occurrence and it is hard to remember the work of the photographer. Does the notion of “aura” get lost with the advancement of network culture?

2. Fredric Jameson mentioned “late capitalism would produce post modernism, a cultural  logic dominated by the schizophrenic play of the depthless, empty sign.” What does he mean by this?

3. “Much like the contemporary media outlet, both the self and the artist of today is an aggregator of information flows, a collection of links to other.” Does artist’s individuality still exist if art is a result of remixing sources and putting it out to the public sphere again for more remixing?