Air Pressure: Barometric Apparatus Design_

Group: Matthew Sama, Alejandro Quiros, Kathy Yuen, Trinadh Pydipally

_Air Pressure

_Barometer Apparatus

The Analog BarometerApparatus was designed as an operable section mechanism to record the various air pressures across the typical workstation of the studio. The various heights of the apparatus included 9-1/2″ Floor, 2′-4″ Half of Radiator, 4′-0″ Radiator, 5′-7″ Human Height, and 7′-2″ Mid Height of Window as a means of getting a wide range of air pressures across the space.

_Apparatus Readings

The Analog Barometer Apparatus was documented over a full 24 hour period recording the air pressure changes from 8:00am Wednesday January 27th 2010 to 8:00 Thursday January 28th 2010. The results of which signified the most radical change in data at Barometer No. 6, based on this reading it was decided to mount the electric barometer at this location as means for comparing the validity of the analog testing.

_Barometer Types:

Liquid Barometers

_Aneroid Barometers

_Electric Barometers

_Preliminary Bottle Barometer Tests

Since air pressure is in direct relation to heat difference, as well as moisture, the most extreme and varied data was found to be at the windows/radiators where the cold draft of the exterior air leaking into the building and the hot air pluming off of the radiator create a close region of different pressures. Additional readings where also taken in various other regions of the studio space such as the door passage, which may cause a distribution of air pressures between the studio and the hallway.

It is also of interest to record the psychological or physical impacts of air pressure on the human body during analysis. Since our bodies are constantly resisting air pressure by the air we breathe and the air within our blood and organs we are affected by dramatic shifts in pressure, for example the popping of ones ears, aching joints, or headaches. Although not calculated data numerically, it is of interest to see if different air pressures of the room have a direct effect on the human body.



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