Our desired hanging system will consist of vertical steel beams in which our panels are aligned and bolted to. We will do this through the introduction of drilled holes in the terracotta as well as angled steel braces. Our intention in the hang each panel on these steel beams and then fasten them to that beam at these anchor points located at the corners of the panel.

Here you can see the dimensions of the panel and its revised webbing. We have redesigned the webbing to have less compartments. This drawing also shows how the panels will be places one above the other.

These detail drawings show the construction method for two different iterations of our wall design. The top detail shows the construction of a vertically continuous wall. This design would consist of panels continuing vertically, being stacked onto one another. In the second detail, the panels are shown to be adjacent to one another. This detail highlights the construction of a wall that would have the panels spanning horizontally, neighboring one another.