A monarch clipping system has been implemted to the module. The design consists of two aluminum clips, one attached to the TC module, the other attached to the material of installation, and is nailed by stainless steel bolts. The above module consists of MF375 monarch clips with .5″ in length and is placed in 4 vantage points across the module. It then slides into two secondary clips that are attached to the vantage point of installation.

Detail Drawing of the monarch clips and their function.

This drawing consists of three different iterations of the module being changed to accommodate the clipping system. The first iteration is the same we’ve implemented above, where the clip is .5″ in length and there is no change to the module. In the second iteration, the interior perimeter of the module is extended inward creating a thick interior wall where the clip changes to a 1.5″ length with the bolts aligned in the horizontal direction. The third iteration changes to the thickness consistent with the 3/4″ thickness with the front wall, while the clipping remains the same.

The monarch clip acting in a continuous wall segmentation.