Third rendition of the Hand Press process as seen at Boston Valley Terra Cotta. Now it is updated to have keys for the molds as well as tightening straps to hold the mods together.

Scheme 1: The same module repeated over and over, to allow plant growth.

Scheme 2: One curve that is repeated but slightly moved at each level to provide spontaneity. The point of this is plant growth.

Scheme 3: A very small ledge is provided at the base of each module to promote plat growth.

Scheme 4: A pot-like wall module for growing plants.

Scheme 5: Same as above, just higher density

Scheme 6: Same as above, just higher density

Scheme 7: A mixture of densities from the last 3 schemes.

Second rendition of the Hand Press process as seen at Boston Valley Terra Cotta. Now the steps are updated where the person packs clay on the walls rather than filling the entirety of the mold. Additionally, a base for the mold was added in the final step

First rendition of the Hand Press process as seen at Boston Valley Terra Cotta.