[parameters] Dynamic Representations

Adam Laskowitz.  sound-scape study using Arduino, MaxMSP, and Grasshopper

PROJECT 2  |  Due: 02.22

Model a dynamic phase-space for your system.  Develop a connection between data and the modeling environment to discover the line of behavior within the system.

Using Grasshopper, apply a geometric logic to the variables and parameters of your system in order to represent the system’s behavior.
The character of your phase-space should be mutable and thus contingent to the transitions imposed on the variables due to changes in the state of the parameters that affect them.

A working Grasshopper (GH) definition that applies geometry to the system, while allowing form to emerge through the discovery of a particular line of behavior.
The GH definition should be able to communicate with an outside data source (parameters) in order to initiate changes within the on-screen geometric representations (variables).

Options for outside communication with GH:
gHowl / Microsoft Excel: (2007 or higher – available at UB Micro)
FireFly / Arduino: (live sensor data – for students with prior experience with physical computing)

According to Ashby, the state of a system at a given instant is dependent on the numerical set of values of it’s variables.  In order to observe the transitions between states of different conditions, one must determine the initial state and the values of the surrounding conditions of the system.  Thus the sequence of state changes and the time intervals between them will specify the system’s line of behavior.



