Hedgework is an urban landscape intervention installed at the Brookyn Navy Yard in New York City that takes the form of a sentient hedgerow.
Hedgework is an urban landscape intervention installed at the Brookyn Navy Yard in New York City that takes the form of a sentient hedgerow.
Influenced by the role of representation in the design and fabrication process, this research aims to develop a more agile and adaptive workflow between digital models and contemporary manufacturing techniques.
This research explores the topological and structural properties of disclinations applied to elastic sheets and suggests their potential at an architectural scale.
Hedgerow Hyllie is a site-specific landscape intervention created for Agrikultura, an international exhibition of public artworks, installations, meals, performances, urban interventions, and events outdoors in Malmo, Sweden.
This research intends to investigate the architectural and structural potential of helical auxetic yarns (HAY) as a component in new fiber reinforced composite materials and tensioned membranes.
The Tactical Sound Garden [TSG] is an open source software platform for cultivating public “sound gardens” in contemporary cities.
The Sentient City Survival Kit is a collection of artifacts for survival in the near-future sentient city.
A mobile performance and workshop that enacts a surveillance conspiracy engaging the public in an intimate, techno-political conversation with the mobile technologies on which they depend.
Hertzian Rain addresses the competition for signal dominance through a participatory scenario for real-time, asymmetrical communication between sound makers and sound listeners.