W1 29-Aug Introduction
W2 5-Sep The Case of Modern Technology
REQ – Martin Heidegger, “The Question Concerning Technology”,  The Question Concerning Technology and other Essays, Pantheon, 1972.
– Siegfried Giedion, “Springs of Mechanization”, Mechanization Takes Command: a contribution to anonymous history, Oxford University Press, 1948.
rec – LeCorbusier, “Engineer’s Esthetic and Architecture”, in Braham, W. and Jonathan Hale, Rethinking Technology- A Reader in Architectural Theory, Routledge, 2007.
– Reyner Banham, “Stocktaking- Tradition and Technology”, Architectural Review, February 1960.
W3 12-Sep The Case of Modern Media
REQ – Walter Benjamin, “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”, 1935.
– Marshall McLuhan, “The Medium is the Message”, Understanding Media, 1964.
rec  – Marshall McLuhan, “Media Hot and Cold”, “Reversal of the Overheated Medium”, Understanding Media, 1964.
 – Lucy R. Lippard and John Chandler, “The Dematerialization of Art,” Art International, 12:2, February 1968.
W4 19-Sep The Information Machines and the Dilemma of Communication
REQ – Warren Weaver, “The Mathematics of Communication”, Scientific American, 1949.
– Alan Turing, “Computing, Machinery and Intelligence”, Mind : A Quarterly review of Psychology and Philiosophy, 59(239), October 1950.
– Charles and Ray Eames, A Communication Primer, (Film) 1953. (online viewing)
rec – John McHale, “Information, Technology and Communications”, The Changing Information Environment, Westview Press, 1976.
– Jagjit Singh, “Automatic Computers-Analogue Machines” and “Automatic Computers-Digital Machines”, Great Ideas in Information Theory, Language and Cybernetics, Dover Publications, 1966.
W5 26-Sep Cybernetics and the Problems of Control
REQ – Gordon Pask, “The Architectural Relevance of Cybernetics”, Architectural Design, September 1969.
– Stafford Beer, “The Disregarded Tools of Moderns Man”, “A Liberty Machine In Prototype”, The Free man in a Cybernetic World”, in Designing Freedom, Massey Lectures, 1973.
– Cedric Price, “Fun Palace” and “Generator”, in Price, C., The Square Book, Wiley-Academy, 2003.
rec – Norbert Weiner, “Cybernetics in History”, The Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society, 1954.
– Bernard Scott, “2ndOrderCybernetics: an historical introduction”, Kybernetes, Vol. 33 No. 9/10, 2004.
– Stanley Matthews, “The Fun Place as Virtual Architecture, Cedric Price and the Practices of Indeterminacy”, JAE, v.59, Issue 3, Feb 2006.
W6 3-Oct Human/Computer Interaction
Assignment 1 Due  REQ – Paul Dourish, “A History of Interaction,” in Where The Action Is: The Foundations of Embodied Interaction, MIT Press, 2001.
– Dubberly, Pangaro and Haque, “What is Interaction? Are there diferent types?” Interactions, v.XVI.1, 2009.
– Khan, Omar, “Interaction Anxieties, ” in Shepard, M. (ed), The Sentient City- Ubiquitous Computing, Architecture and the Future of Urban Space, MIT Press, 2011.
rec – Myron Krueger, “Responsive Environments”, AFIPS 46 National Computer Conference Proceedings, AFIPS Press, 1977.
– Nicholas Negroponte, “Architecture Machine”, Architectural Design, September 1969.
W7 10-Oct Systems and the Primacy of Relations
REQ – Jack Burnham, “Systems Esthetics”, Artforum, September 1968.
– W. Ross Ashby, “Principles of the Self Organizing System”, in von Foerster, Heinz, ed., Principles of Self-Organization, Pergamon Press, 1962.
– Peter Reyner Banham, “A Home is not a House,” in Baird and Jencks (ed), Meaning in Architecture, George Braziller, Inc., 1970.
rec – Jascia Reichardt, “Cybernetics, Art and Ideas”, in Cybernetic Art and Ideas, New York Graphic Society Ltd.,1971.
– Luke Skrebowski, “All Systems Go: Recovering Hans Haacke’s System Art”, Grey Room, v. 30, Winter 2008.
W8 17- Oct Simulation
REQ – Jean Baudrillard, “Simulacra and Simulation”, 1983.
– Antoine Picon, “Architecture, Science, Technology and the Virtual Realm,” in Picon and A. Ponte (ed.) Architecture and the Sciences: Exchanging Methaphors, Princeton Architectural Press, 2003.
rec – Guy Debord, “Society of the Spectacle,” 1967.
W9 24-Oct Typological vs. Topological Space
  REQ – Rafael Moneo, “On Typology”, Oppositions 14, MIT press, 1978, 22-45.
– Sanford Kwinter, “Landscapes of Change: Boccioni’s Stati d’animo as a General Theory of Models”, Assemblage, v.19, MIT Press, 1992
rec – Stan Allen, “From Object to Field”, Architectural Design: After Geometry, Academy Group, 1997.
– Greg Lynn, “Body Matters”, Journal of Philosophy and Visual Arts, 1993.
– D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson, On Growth and Form, Cambridge, 1917
W10 31-Oct Networks and Interconnectivity
REQ – Mark Wigley, “Network Fever”, Grey Room, No. 4, Summer 2001.
– Kazys Varnelis, “The Rise of the Network Culture”, Networked Publics, MIT press, 2008.
rec Stephen Graham and Simon Marvin, “Prologue” and “Introduction”, Splintering Urbanism: Networked Infrastructures, Technological Mobilities and the Urban Condition, Routledge, 2001.
Alexander Galloway and Eugene Thacker, “Protocols, Control and Networks”, Grey Room, No. 17, Fall 2004.
W11 7-Nov Pervasive Computing
Assignment 2 Due REQ – Mark Weiser, “The Computer for the 21st Century”, Scientific American, September 1991.
– Anthony Dunne, “The Electronic as Post-optimal Object”, Hertzian Tales: Electronic Products, Aesthetic Experience and Critical Design, RCA Computer Related Design Research, May 1999.
– William Mitchell, “Recombinant Architecture”, City of Bits, MIT Press, 1995.
rec – Adam Greenfield, The Dawning Age of Ubiquitous Computing, New Riders Publishing, 2006.
W12 14-Nov Digital Fabrication and Mass Customization
REQ – Burry, M., Burry, J. and Jordi Fauli, “Sagrada Família Rosassa: Global Computer-aided Dialogue between Designer and Craftsperson (Overcoming Differences in Age, Time and Distance)” in ACADIA 2001: Reinventing the Discourse Proceedings, ACADIA, 2001.
– Sterling, B. Shaping Things, MIT Press, October 2005 (excerpt)
rec – Evans, P.C. and Marco Annunziata, Industrial Internet: Pushing the Boundaries of Minds and Machines, General Electric, 2012
W13 21-Nov Responsive Architecture
REQ – Beesley, P and Omar Khan, Responsive Architecture/Performing Instruments, Situated Technologies Pamphlet 4, Architectural League of New York, 2008
– Kolarovic, B. “Computing the Performative” and  “Towards the Performative in Architecture,” in Kolarovic, B. and Ali Malkawi, Performative Architecture- Beyond Instrumentality, Spons Press, 2005.
rec – Braham, W. “Biotechniques: Remarks on the Intensity of Conditioning,” in Kolarovic, B. and Ali Malkawi, Performative Architecture- Beyond Instrumentality, Spons Press, 2005.
W14 28-Nov Sentient City
REQ – McCullough, M. “Megacity Resources,” in M. McCullough, Ambient Commons- Attention in the Age of Embodied Information, MIT Press, 2013.
– Shepard, M. “Toward the Sentient City,” in Shepard, M. Sentient City- Ubiquitous Computing, Architecture and the Future of Urban Space, MIT Press, 2011.
W15 5-Dec Final Reviews- No Class
Final Paper: Dec 19th, email