22.Feb.2011 [parameters] Proximity & Movement

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Dynamic systems of representation were developed through the initial research of fish schooling.  Predatory and foraging strategies played a significant role in identifying the varying parameters within the system.  Rather than representing the formal organization of fish schooling, the resultant diagrams seek to suggest boundaries defined through energies within the fieldwork.  The previously identified variables, which consist of varying density, speed, and desired physical extents, were represented through a two-dimensional point grid.  Each initial system (figure_01-figure_04) embodied varying point system, which supported unique results through the application of the defined parameters.  The intent of these psychological mappings was to develop an understanding of either excitement or urgency within the framework of the system.  Grasshopper was used primarily as a means of understanding adjacencies within a system, placing less significance on the formal resultant (the circle) but rather the information read in between them.  Color was used as a method for reading transitions within the boundary conditions created.  While grasshopper was programmed with generic color data (ie. red, blue, green, etc.), hybrid regions were produced through overlayed stratifications.  These areas allow for an unidentifiable action within the schooling system.

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