07.Mar.2011 [geometries] Cavity and Porous System

Cavities Field

According to the comments of last project, I simplifiy the whole cavity and porous system of sponge to a series of simple cavity-porous system and try to find a way to organize them. Firstly, I make a single cavity which can represent the performance I defined in last project. Secondly, I morph such unit into a surface and define their activities which separate into X, Y, Z direction based upon the parameters (water speed). Thirdly, I assemble six single cavities into a cavity system which can perform in more complex way.

Single Cavity Performance

Single Cavity Performance from yinan zhang on Vimeo.

Single Cavity Field Performance

Single Cavity Field Performance from yinan zhang on Vimeo.

Process of Cavity System Performance

Cavities System from yinan zhang on Vimeo.

Cavities Field (Performance is coming soom…)

Download: Project-3 GH Files

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